We strive to show high quality modern and
contemporary art. Artists are invited to
participate according to the selection
Art Collectors services
Our Publications
Art Projects
We are constantly working on expanding our
contacts with art collectors, curators, museum
directors and internationally renowned artists.
For art collectors we offer personal meetings.
Art is an important part of culture and has
influenced society for centuries. Our mission is to
draw attention to art, to contribute to the
development of art, to strengthen the art
industry worldwide, to attract art collectors to
the artists, and to create an international cultural
Our publications offer art lovers an insight
into the ever-changing contemporary art
world and global cultural perception.
We try to find new forms of co-operation in
different areas through the art to create
bilateral Profitable projects. Art is also an
exciting form of exchange between artists,
companies and society.
About MAMAG Museum
International Fine Art
Biennale Basel
MAMAG Modern Art Museum
Organizer of the International Fine Art Biennale Basel:
MAMAG Modern Art Museum - Art Museum near Vienna, located between Munich, Salzburg, Prague, Vienna
MAMAG Modern Art Museum exhibit contemporary art in Vienna / Austria, Paris / France, Cannes / France, Basel /
Switzerland, castle Hubertendorf / Austria
MAMAG - Modern Art Museum and Gallery Gmbh
FN 423419 a
Linzer Strasse 342
1140 Vienna
Tel: +43 664 2142 885
E-Mail: management@paks-gallery.com
K. Heinz Plainer
UID: ATU 69121817
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International Fine Art Biennale Basel is organized by
MAMAG Modern Art Museum
As the time of the Biennale in Basel was choosen the
time during the Art Basel art week. As Location of the
Art Biennale was choosen elegant Saloons of the
Hotel Victoria with its perfectly location in Basel
International Fine Art Biennale Basel is organized by
MAMAG Modern Art Museum, the global
contemporary, modern art museum. As the time of
the Biennale in Basel was choosen the time during
the Art Basel art week. As Location of the Art
Biennale was choosen Grand Hotel Euler with its
perfectly location.
Hotel Victoria
Centralbahnplatz 3/4
4002 Basel, Switzerland
20-22 June 2025